Tuesday, June 24, 2008


As-Salamu Alykum,

Al Maghrib, a very known and tempted name for the students of the knowledge around the world. This is the biggest Islamic institute in North America. Famous orators like Sheikh Muhammad Al-shareef and Sheikh Yasir Qadhi are the lectures here. This is a dream place for the Students of the deen. This is the Dar-Ul-Ilm of this era in North America. Studying in Al Maghrib for a student of knowledge is like dream come true and for the student who lives in far away from there like Bangladesh is like Day dream come true!!

We sisters in Islam were thinking for many days about bringing Al Maghrib in Bangladesh. YES!!! IN BANGLADEH!!!

This time we have taken the strongest attempt ever. We are strongly determined. As we can’t go there due to many unavoidable reasons so INSHAALLAAH WE WILL BRING AL MAGHRIB HERE IN BANGLADESH.

so we need more support and volunteers to turn our plan in to work inshaAllaah.

So we need to do some work before bringing to make it easy to bring it here.

Please follow these steps which we are mentioning here.


Recruit volunteers. Promote Al Maghrib when ever you get chance. Let more and more people know about Al Maghrib. Main idea is to make Al Maghrib popular here thus we can get more support. InshaAllaah.


Make some noise. Join Al Maghrib forum (go to the below link inshaAllaah) and buzz a lot and yes don’t get too excited and in excitement don’t say something disrespectful inshaAllaah. Buzz and buzz and buzz and make them to realize that Al maghrib should be here instead of North America (We mean it should be here in Bangladesh..hehe).Actually make them feel that Bangladesh is full of students of the knowledge..

If we will make too much noise then we will get our own community forum inshaAllaah!!!!

Let’s bombard in the forum section!!!!

We mean it really.

Forum link:


Make a habit of sending mails every day inshaAllaah to Al Maghrib.

We are working on it. If there is anyone who wants to join us and to contribute to it more then please let us know inshaAllaah.

Until then, at least follow these steps.

Please for the sake of Allaah.

And make dua that Allaah make our intention strong and make our Niyah clear and give us more strength and courage inshaAllaah.

And here is the Al Maghrib institute’s Home page’s link for more information about Al Maghrib:


join our group inshaAllaah


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